Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Rockford Files - EPISODE: GUILT (1979) Ending Airport Scene - Which airport is it??? ANSWER: It's an abandoned part of Long Beach Naval Base

Thanks to the below viewer who identified this filming location:
APS221 said...
It's an abandoned part of Long Beach Naval Base. In the image with the explosion, you can read DATC (Development and Training Center) DET LBEACH - FMAG (Fleet Maintenance Assistance Group).
ABOVE IMAGE: Jim Rockford & his car is being chased by a helicopter. The scene takes place at an airport. The airport in this scene is surrounded by a fenced off area which contains abandoned residential homes, commercial property and these large airplane hanger type buildings.
In the background of this photo you can see a distinctive looking vehicle bridge.
It appears that the area around this airport was condemned due to either airport expansion or noise abatement in the late 1970's.  
ABOVE PHOTO: The markings on this building should help us identify the location of this airport.

Based on the "LBeach" portion of these wall markings, I am guessing the Long Beach Airport.....
ABOVE IMAGE: This is the helicopter that was chasing Jim Rockford. Its tail number is: N59613.

"The Rockford Files" EPISODE: The Deuce (1979) Mobile Gas Station & Gulf Gas Station at the intersection of Vineland Ave & Moorpark Street Los Angeles CA - Gas was 65.9 cents a gallon

ABOVE IMAGE: Mobile Gas & Gulf Gas at the intersection of Vineland Ave & Moorpark Street  Los Angeles CA - Gas was 65.9 cents a gallon 

ABOVE IMAGE: Actor & WWII Veteran Joe Maross is seen at the steering wheel - He passed away in 2009 at age 86. 

The Rockford Files - EPISODE: GUILT (1979) 1970's Marina del Rey, CA, Washington Square 330 West Washington Blvd, Marina del Rey - Latitude 33 Sky Boardwalk Beach - Marina Towers in Marina del Rey - Merlin's Restaurant - Islands Restaurant Marina del Rey

ABOVE IMAGE: Marina del Rey's WASHINGTON SQUARE was located at 330 West Washington Blvd in Marina del Rey, California - It has since been demolished to make room for the Latitude 33 Condos 

ABOVE IMAGE: Another image of Marina del Rey's WASHINGTON SQUARE was located at 330 West Washington Blvd in Marina del Rey, California
In the background of the left photo the Marina Towers building can be seen. Also Merlin's Restaurant & Lounge can be seen, it is currently Island's Restaurant & Lounge located at 404 Washington Blvd in Marina del Rey.

LEFT PHOTO: Image of the new Latitude 33 condo complex that replaced Washington Square in Marina del Rey.

"The Rockford Files" EPISODE: The Deuce (1979) 1970's Burbank California - The Ramp Restaurant & Lounge - Gary Bric's Ramp Restaurant & Lounge

ABOVE IMAGES: Left Photo is a still image from The Rockford Files "The Deuce" episode showing "The Ramp" Restaurant & Cocktails in Burbank, CA. Right Photo is a photo of Gray Bric's Ramp Restaurant & Lounge as it appears in 2013. LOCATION: 7730 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA

ABOVE IMAGE: Former Burbank California Mayor & Current City Council Member Gary Bric, the current owner of Gary Bric's Ramp Restaurant & Lounge. Mr. Bric was not the owner of "The Ramp" when the Rockford Files filming occurred. Mr. Bric purchase the business about 20 years ago.
I personally spoke to Mr. Bric when I was following up this location for this article. Mr. Bric was very pleasant and helpful in regards to my inquiries.
Thank You Mr. Bric!!!

 ABOVE IMAGE: A night time image of "The Ramp" as it appeared in the Rockford Files in 1979.

 ABOVE PHOTO: Actor Mills Watson can be seen on the left hand bar stool inside The Ramp Restaurant & Lounge in the 1970's.