Monday, February 15, 2016

The Rockford Files - EPISODE: This Case is Closed (1974) & Columbo - EPISODE: An Exercise in Fatality (1974) - Attempting to identify an unaccredited actress who appeared in these two TV series - My guess is she was a contract actress working with NBC/Universal Studios

We were attempting to identify an unaccredited actress who appeared in these two below titled TV series

The Rockford Files - EPISODE: This Case is Closed (1974) & Columbo - EPISODE: An Exercise in Fatality (1974)

She played Cathy / Kathy in the Rockford Files episode: This Case is Closed

We finally identified her as Susan Jacoby


BELOW IMAGES: Columbo (TV Series)
EPISODE: An Exercise in Fatality (1974)

Today, 04/27/2010, I was helping my kids with some stuff when my cell phone rang with a California area code... I was going to ignore it since most long distance calls on my cell phone are usually unsolicited sales calls.
To my surprise the caller identified himself as James McEachin. Mr. McEachin wanted to reach out to me about the letter I wrote him before he left for Kuwait, where he was going to in order to entertain our troops. A true American and also a war hero himself.
Mr. McEachin related that he didn't know the actress I was inquiring about. He stated that most likely it was just an extra that they used at the last minute to fulfill a short speaking role.
How delightful of this gentleman to reach out to me when he is packing for an overseas trip. This man is nothing but class! God bless you James McEachin and may your trip be safe and full of happiness!


Today, April 24th, 2012, I sent letters to two guest stars from the Rockford Files episode "This Case is Closed" (1974). One being the beautiful Sharon Gless and the other being the talented James McEachin. James is not only a great entertainer and actor but was also a highly decorated US Soldier. At the age of 18 he joined the US Armed Forces and served in the Korean War earning many medals of valor include the Purple Heart and Silver Star. Most of the other stars from this 1970's episode are no longer with us and I wish them Godspeed.

In these letters I enclosed copies of the images of the mysterious actress, asking them if they know who this actress was that appeared in the same episodes as they did. I will keep you informed of any answer(s) I may receive back from the aforementioned entertainers.


  1. I would love to know who the actress is in the bottom image wear the bikini. She is smoking hot! WOW!

  2. It's Cindy Williams, 'Shirley', from the Laverne and Shirley show.

  3. Thank you for the compliment but that is not me.

    In 1974 I was under contract and would not have been able to do an appearance on James Garner's Rockford Files.

    1. I just started watching Laverne & Shirl again. Last week they played the hospital xmas party ep, I couldn't help but notice when laverne was flirting with a wacko patient, and shirley was trying to avoid. How much it reminded me of Two Broke Girls

  4. I believe that is Lucille Ball, "I Love Lucy" had just been cancelled.

  5. Check out "The Official James Garner Fan Page" on facebook. The host and some of the people on the page were part of the production crew

  6. Andrew "Squiggy" SquigmanApril 21, 2012 at 4:53 AM

    That really you, Cindy?

    I had a huge crush on you. You were such a little hottie. yum yum.

  7. The actress who played Aura Lee in "Aura Lee Farewell" turned up in other Universal shows of that era such as "Six Million Dollar Man" and "The Night Stalker." I wonder if the actress in this particular Rockford episode shows up in other Universal shows of the time? Or maybe she had some connection to Joseph Cotton? Niece or granddaughter, perhaps?

  8. Hi Mike. I appreciate you bringing this to my (our) attention. It sure does look like the same actress. Is it not strange for an actress to have a speaking role in two different show not to be credited? Maybe not. I'm just guessing. She may have appeared in a few other shows too. Hard to say. Thanks again.

  9. I hope these links work. A few years ago there was a thread in The Official James Garner FB Page regarding this actress.

    If the link works, you can scroll down and you will start seeing references to the Columbo episode, "An Exercise in Fatality," which was directed by Bernard Kowalski, who also directed her in the Rockford episode, so there is a link. The Columbo episode lists an actress named Susan Jacoby, but I don't know if that is her. She could also have a different last name nowadays.

    Later in the thread, someone else suggested actress Ann Coleman, but I haven't had time to check.

  10. The actor website aveleyman dot com has the actress listed as Susan Jacoby, but unfortunately there is no cross-reference to different shows or movies. Only her Columbo episode is mentioned.

  11. John's catch of Ann Coleman in the Kojak episode "Wall Street Gunslinger" certainly looks possible. More at link:

  12. Absolutely the same actress. The protruding left front tooth is the clincher.

  13. Clearly none of you watched Columbo - EPISODE: An Exercise in Fatality (1974)
    Her name is in the end credits its misleading because her character is Ruth and not Tricon employee

    4th page of end credits :

    Woman (Rose)

    Places exactly like that right after


  14. Anyone catch the Gretchen Corbet Bikini scene in Columbo - EPISODE: An Exercise in Fatality (1974) ???

    James G didnt ask her to a pool party ever, his loss

  15. IMDB lists Susan Jacoby's birth year as 1962 which would make her 12 years old in Columbo and Rockford. Clearly wrong.

  16. IMDB is not very reliable, and likely has Susan Jacoby (the actress) conflated with Susan Jacoby (philosopher, author and public speaker); wikipedia shows the "other" Susan Jacoby as born in 1945, but other credits as "self" in IMDB fit that Susan Jacoby much better.

  17. The Columbo Rockford actress pictured is Ann Coleman, she was interviewed about it. Susan Jacoby is seen in the Columbo episode in a corridor and mistakenly called Susan by actor Robert Conrad when he should have called her Rose.

  18. kathylee gifford played in Rockford seas on two ' the real easy red dog'
