Saturday, February 16, 2013

Every episode of the Rockford Files are on IMDB - Look up the actors, characters and more

IMDB - The Internet Movie Database is more than just movies. It has complete information on almost every TV program, TV series and motion picture ever made.

You can look up any episode of the Rockford Files to ascertain who appeared in it, the cast of characters, complete behind the scenes credits such as producer, director, writers and more.


SEARCH HINT AT IMDB: If you are looking up a TV program by the episode title - example instead of searching the "Rockford Files" you enter in the IMDB search box the episode title such as "The Hawaiian Headache" (which was a Rockford Files episode title) make sure you change the search ALL box to TV EPISODE by clicking on that box.

For some reason when you enter a TV series episode title instead of the TV series main title under the ALL box it doesn't search individual episode titles.


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