Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Rockford Files - Episode: This Case Is Closed - Episode Blooper

During the first segment of this episode Jim Rockford was being tailed by another private investigator. Jim loses this tail by going into a gated parking lot. In the above image you can see the two camera men and the two movie cameras on tripods as the scene shows the parking lot entrance/exit gate.


  1. no way that is Patricia Charbonneau. the face is way off, plus Ms Charbonneau was born in 1959, making her 15 when this episode came out.

  2. I agree with the Captain. That really doesn't look like her.

  3. I'm wondering if any of the other actors in that episode would know? You've probably already tried contacting them but I would think someone that also did that episode would have some kind of idea of who she might be. I really enjoy this page. Thanks for all you do.

  4. First of all, it was Miss, not Ms., since the PC police had not yet established itself in the world. Doesn't look like Sygourney at all.

  5. I was just checking back to see if anyone ever was able to identify the actress in this episode? I thought maybe Juanita Bartlett or Mary Ann Rea might possibly know or might have a list of the people that appeared in that episode. If you could let me know I would appreciate it. I still enjoy the show and DVD made for TV movies. I just pre ordered the made for TV movies on DVD coming out shortly as well. I hope you can find out who that actress was. Thanks.

  6. Hi Brian and fellow Rockford lovers,

    I don't know who this actress is by name, but.... I am almost certain I have identified her in another TV series, Columbo. The episode is from Season 4, Ep 1, "An Exercise in Fatality", and she is the woman behind the desk at a large corporation, with lots of old 1970s computers behind her. It is a rather lengthy comedic scene where Columbo is requesting information on an employee and putting up with the bureaucracy of the company.

    If you can get a hold of this episode (which is on Netflix) the scene begins at 53:10. Sadly, I still don't know her name because, as with Rockford, IMDb (and the show's ending credits) do not credit her -- at least, I could not find this.

    - Mike

  7. * Correction, she is behind the COUNTER :) and she has several lines in a funny back-and-forth with actor Peter Falk. I'm surprised she's not credited in this episode.

    - mike

    1. It is sigourney weaver. I recognized her also. She must have been early 20s in that scene in Columbo, Exercise in Fatality. Her dad was an executive at NBC when she was trying to break into show business.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First of all, it was Miss, not Ms., since the PC police had not yet established itself in the world. Doesn't look like Sygourney at all.

    THIS is what you're still hanging onto? Does it really affect you that much? :)

  9. The Fred Harvey’s building next to the 5 freeway at Magic Mountain Pkwy is no more. It was torn down and a newer hotel is going up in its place as of 2019.
