Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Rockford Files - Episode: Dwarf in a Helium Hat (1978)

ABOVE & BELOW PHOTOS: John Pleshette (age 71) as Julius "Jay" Rockfelt and Gianni Russo (age 69) as Gianni Tedesco - The below images show the actors as they are in 2013.

ABOVE PHOTO: A very young Rick Springfield (age 64) played musician Keith Stuart, cutie Rebecca Balding (age 58) played Carol Lansing and the sexy Marie Reynolds played "Janique".

ABOVE PHOTO: Ernesto Pizza House was located at 6706 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA (Notice the stars on the sidewalk) This location is currently Maui and Sons Bar & Grill.

ABOVE PHOTO: 6th and Main Street in Downtown Los Angeles - The Original Express Burger Restaurant can be seen in the background. 

 ABOVE PHOTO: The old Los Angeles Downtown area - 6th and Main Street again.... The Greyhound Bus Station, The Continental Trailway Bus Station and Thrifty. 
 ABOVE PHOTO: The old Los Angeles Downtown area - 6th and Main Street again.... Hotel Cecil and Volunteers of America. 

 ABOVE PHOTO: The old Los Angeles Downtown area - 6th and Main Street again.... Hotel Cecil and Dearden's Department Store.

 ABOVE PHOTO: The old Los Angeles Downtown area - 6th and Main Street again.... Trailways Bus Station 
ABOVE PHOTO: The old Los Angeles Downtown area - 6th and Main Street again.... Yoel's Fashion 

BELOW PHOTOS: 11700 South Ventura, Los Angeles, CA (Corner of Colfax and Ventura Blvd)
Glenn Auto Radio & TV & The Wagon Shop Car Repairs. 


ABOVE IMAGES: Paris Or Le Bust Party House: 944 Airole Way - Los Angeles, CA 90077




  1. Bill - I am a huge Rockford fan. I don't know how you find all these sites, but I love it! Keep up the great "work". I wish Universal would issue the second volume of the TV movies!!! (I have all the issued discs)
    Thanks again, Chuck H. (67 yrs young)

  2. I'm a big fan I think this is only one filmed in the rain you have a great blog Glenn G

  3. Just noticed that Jay's parent's house is the Eight is Enough family home!!!

  4. The big house where the Paris Or Bust party was held was located at 944 Airole Way in Beverly Hills. Despite being an incredible house, it was torn down in 2014 in the name of progress, which is a shame.

    This same house was also used in The Rockford Files pilot, "Backlash of the Hunter." It was the house with the big pool and nice view of Los Angeles where the rich lady lived. It was in another Rockford Files episode, but I don't recall which one at this time. It also appeared prominently in at least two "Columbo" episodes, one was titled "The Most Crucial Game."

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous: THANK YOU for that information about the house in "Paris of Bust" party -- that's exactly why I came to this page today!

    I saw that awesome house in this Rockford episode today (recorded it off "MeTV" two days ago -- the same day you posted your comment, which is probably not a coincidence). I immediately recognized the house from "Murder by the Book" (1971), the first Columbo episode of the series, which I just happened to see on DVD last night, barely 12 hours ago, which IS a coincidence.

    But I can't tell you how disappointed I am to learn that the house was torn down last year. What the hell??? How could anyone do such a thing? That was an amazing house! >:-(

    1. I am also interested in the former house at 944 ariole way I was in that neighborhood several years ago and recognized it from columbo. It was up the hill but I recognized the yves and property and site. I think it was vacant or foreclosed on. Please send me info u might have on it. So sad who lived there

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Not sure what "yves" are, but it was a pretty cool house with a great view. You can put the address (944 Airole Way -- not "Ariole") in Google Maps and see what it looked like before it was torn down. (Evidently Google Maps hasn't updated that part yet.)

    I'm kinda fascinated with the house due to its distinctive look and its appearance in several 1970s TV shows, including at least two Columbos and two Rockford Files.

    Sadly it is (or was) pretty run-down and decrepit in the Google Maps view. I don't know why the owner would've allowed that to happen to such a nice house. And it's not like it was even very old. It was built in 1969, if memory serves.

    Now a property developer is building a massive compound on the site which he hopes to sell for 500 million dollars. (Yes, you read that correctly. $500 million. Good luck with that!)
