Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Rockford Files - Episode: The Becker Connection - Dewey Hotel, Shoe Zoo, Century Cab Co., Ventura Car Wash

The above two images are of the old Dewey Hotel located at 725 South Main Street in Downtown Los Angeles, CA. The hotel is still there today but has been completely remodeled.

ABOVE PHOTO: Jim Rockford are talking in the waiting area of the Ventura Car Wash located at 13320 Ventura Blvd Los Angeles, CA - You can also see the SHOE ZOO store across the street.

ABOVE PHOTO: Jim Rockford are talking in the waiting area of the Ventura Car Wash located at 13320 Ventura BlvdLos Angeles, CA - You can also see the SHOE ZOO store across the street.

ABOVE PHOTO: Jim Rockford waiting area of the Ventura Car Wash

In the above two photos, Jim Rockford visits Sgt Dennis Becker at the Century Cab Company. Dennis is working as a taxi cab driver during his non-paid suspension from the police department. The filming location for these scenes was a interior parking garage set up to look like a cab company located at:
 530 S. Los Angeles St.

Jeff Morrison (Mozilla)


  1. This post is in response to the question I posed for the 'Dirty Money Black Light' and 'A Fast Count' location.

    The Garage where Becker is moonlighting as a cabby is between the 500 and 530 address on S. Los Angeles St.
    The location is either the down ramp of the roof top parking or, what was the lot next door, or before the remodel? Not sure which.
    In 'A Fast Count' you can also see this lot from another angle....It is when Jim poses as a Govt Official and questions Tony Malavita regarding the bribe. The auto shop where Tony is the lot next to the roof top parking ramp.
    Either can confirm this site by the building directly across the street and its window structure. As Jim is getting a get a clear view of the building facade. That building is at 533 S. Los Angeles.

    Thanks for all the interesting info on your site.
    Jeff Morrison(mozilla)

  2. To further identify this location.

    You can see the building at 7th and S. Los Angeles the tall building with three windows...looking over Jim's shoulder(or behind his back) in the shot posted in this thread.

    This location is definitely on S. Los Angeles about the 500-530 block of the street.
    Right across the street from the Baltimore Hotel.

    Thanks again for the great site.
    Jeff Morrison(mozilla)
